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Caring for you like family.

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With over 30 years of combined experience, Harvey and Jessica help individuals, families and business owners achieve their financial goals and objectives. 

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Our focus

Providing highly personalized, professional, independent and unbiased financial and investment advice through investment management and holistic financial planning.

We help our clients create real enduring wealth, in as tax efficient a manner as permitted under our tax laws - and we help our clients protect that wealth. 

We are a fee based, service orientated, financial planning practice. This offers transparency and guarantees our objectives are in line with yours - your best interests always come before ours.

Meet your team

The value of advice

As independent financial advisors we help individuals, families and business owners achieve their financial goals and objectives. Through detailed analysis we help our clients create real enduring wealth, in as tax efficient a manner as permitted under our tax laws - and we help our clients protect that wealth.

"Dreams are like acorns...plant them well, tend them carefully, and they will grow to be as mighty as the oak"
- anonymous -


Harvey Beitchman Photo

Harvey Beitchman

Senior Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc..
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Harvey Beitchman

Senior Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc..
Life Insurance Advisor - Manulife Wealth Insurance Services Inc.

Harvey joined the Financial Services Industry in 1992. As a Senior Financial Advisor and Life Insurance Advisor, Harvey helps individuals, families and business owners design and implement custom-made financial and life strategies.

Prior to becoming an advisor, Harvey was the owner and CEO of a national computer distribution company. Being a successful business owner, as well as his experience in the financial services industry has helped his clients flourish over the years. He is committed to assisting his clients achieve their financial goals, so that they become a reality.

Harvey has a passion for photography and has a love for travel. In addition to caring for his extended family of clients he is also an extremely proud grandfather of four.

Business: 416.218.8707 ext. 3916
Fax: 416.250.2070
Toll Free: 1.877.218.8707 ext. 3916
Email: harvey.beitchman@manulifewealth.ca

Jessica Tinkler, CFP® Photo

Jessica Tinkler, CFP®

Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc..
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Jessica Tinkler, CFP®

Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc..
Life Insurance Advisor, Manulife Wealth Insurance Services Inc.

Jessica joined Manulife Wealth Inc. as a Financial Advisor in 2009. Jessica holds her CFP® designation, the highest internationally recognized Financial Planning certification in our industry. Jessica is well versed in all aspects of financial planning including investment planning, asset allocation, taxation, estate planning, risk management and more. CFP® holders must adhere to the highest standards of competence, ethics, practice and always place the client’s interests first.

Jessica is passionate about helping her clients make smart financial choices.

Jessica is an avid runner, an all around health & fitness keener, and the author of “The Plan. Shop, Stock and Serve”. She is also the adoring mother of twins.

Business: 416.218.8707 ext. 3909
Toll Free: 1.877.218.8707 ext. 3909
Fax: 416.250.2070
Email: jessica.tinkler@manulifewealth.ca

Dahlia Clarke, BSc (hons). Photo

Dahlia Clarke, BSc (hons).

Executive Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc..
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Dahlia Clarke, Hons BSc.

Executive Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc..

Dahlia joined our team in March 2016, as an Executive Assistant. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Banking and Financial Services, second class honours, and has worked in the retail banking sector for 17 years.

Dahlia has a genuine desire to achieve and excel. She thrives on a challenge and is very passionate about building strong and lasting relationships.

Dahlia has two daughters, and a pair of grand twins.

Business: 416.218.8707 ext. 3928
Toll Free: 1.877.218.8707 ext. 3928  
Fax: 416.250.2070
Email: dahlia.clarke@manulifewealth.ca

See what we can do for you

Our Services & Solutions

At Generations Wealth Advisors, we operate under a “Best Interest Standard”  -  this means that your best interests always come before ours.

(Click the services below to learn more)

Wealth Planning



  • Comprehensive face to face meetings to determine client’s goals and objectives
  • Extensive discovery process to uncover client’s core values and desires
  • Guide clients to think about, plan and prioritize their financial goals
  • Understand clients’ financial demands and needs
  • Evaluate client’s risk tolerance
  • Investigate and determine client’s investment constraints    
    • Family needs 
    • Liquidity needs 
    • Time Horizon
    • Tax concerns
    • Legal and regulatory
    • Unique circumstances
  • Comprehensive assessment of client’s overall financial picture 
  • Retirement Planning
  • Retirement Income Planning 
  • Cash flow analyses and management
  • Net worth analyses and management
  • Asset allocation analyses and management
  • Structured cash flow sources to minimize taxes
  • Pension Analysis
  • Severance Analysis 
  • RSP versus TFSA detailed analysis 
  • When to Take CPP and OAS
  • Education Planning     
  • Short term goal planning 
  • Debt Management

* We work closely with Accountants and Lawyers, ensuring goals and objectives are streamlined.

Tax Minimization Strategies

  • Tax efficiency of investments
  • Tax deferral
  • Tax conversion
  • Passing assets through your estate
  • Income splitting
  • Inter-generational transfer

**Tax minimization strategies abide by rules set forth by the CRA and may require us to work alongside a Chartered Accountant.  

Risk management & needs coverage

  • Income protection
  • Asset protection
  • Family protection
  • Estate protection
  • Travel Insurance
  • Annuity Income
  • Strategies to Bypass Probate
  • Estate Bonds
  • Term Life Insurance
  • Whole Life/ T-100/ Universal Life Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Critical Illness Insurance

*As independent, licensed insurance advisors, we represent over 14 Insurance companies.

Investment solutions


  • Professional, independent and unbiased financial and investment advice based on client’s needs and objectives
  • Keeping clients on track with investment goals and objectives
  • Proactively and regularly communicate with clients via telephone, newsletters, quarterly updates and reviews.
  • Research and suggest alternatives that could help clients meet goals.
  • Behavioral finance coaching
  • Manage clients emotional state and prevent irrational investment decisions
  •  Help protect clients against poor financial choice


  • Fee analysis 
  • Structured Asset Allocation 
  • Continuous portfolio review and evaluation
  • Research the market to determine suitability of investments
  • Fundamental analyses of investment vehicles
  • Analyze economic and financial landscape 
  • Confer regularly with portfolio managers, economists and other industry professionals to gain insight and keep abreast of developments
  • Investment recommendations and strategies based on client’s financial situation
  • Structure investments to maximize tax efficiency
  • Pre-trade analyses and risk disclosure associated with recommendations
  • Ongoing portfolio re-balancing and fine tuning
  • Portfolio re-positioning during major life transitions, as needed

Estate Planning

If you have accumulated assets during your lifetime, you likely will want to ensure that wealth transitions cost effectively.

  • Maximize estate value
  • Intergenerational wealth transfer strategies
  • Tax minimization strategies
  • Beneficiary audit
  • Legacy planning
  • Will and Power of Attorney review
  • Charitable giving
  • Family Trusts
  • Testamentary Trusts
  • Estate Bond

**Some Estate Planning strategies may require the involvement of a legal professional.

Guide to passing on wealth

Planning for death is difficult, because it’s an emotional topic. However, to preserve wealth, it’s important to employ a checklist to enable a thorough discussion and encourage trigger questions. Read more.

Why You Need A Will

Did you know : without a Will, your entire estate will not necessarily pass to your spouse. The estate will be distributed in accordance with the "laws of intestate succession". Just one of the many reasons why you need a Will.  Learn more.

Will Planning Checklist

There are many decisions you will have to make when you draft a Will. If not thoroughly considered, some of these decisions can have unintended consequences.

Here is a Will Planning Checklist of some of the issues that should be discussed before you make your Will.

Executor’s Handbook

When you become an Executor you are really becoming a legal Trustee with all the rights and responsibilities that come with that position. This Executor's Handbook  provides you with a solid overview of estate settlement and will hopefully provide you with some useful information and tools to expedite your responsibilities in a timely and competent fashion.

Asset Inventory Record Keeper

Take the time to document the important information in your life. Not only is this a convenient way to keep a better handle on your personal and financial information, it also becomes an invaluable tool for your loved ones should anything happen to you.  Try out the Asset Inventory Record Keeper

Corporate & Business Solutions

  • Business Risk Management
  • Succession Planning
  • Buy / Sell Agreements
  • Group Benefit
  • Defined Contribution Plans
  • Group RSP
  • Tax Efficiency of Business Income
  • Investment and Asset Management

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Those working with an advisor for seven to 14 years accumulate 99% more, and after 15 years with a financial advisor, an investor accumulates 173% more assets than an otherwise “non-advised” household.    - CIRANO

* Required

Jessica Tinkler , CFP®

Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc..
Life Insurance Advisor, Manulife Wealth Insurance Services Inc.

416.218.8707 ext. 3909

Harvey Beitchman

Senior Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc..
Life Insurance Advisor -Manulife Wealth Insurance Services Inc.

416.218.8707 ext. 3916

Dahlia Clarke

Executive Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc..

416.218.8707 ext. 3928

416.218.8707 ext. 3909